Monday, April 25, 2011

flotsom today, jetsam tomorrow

Spring is springing for real here in Alaska. Chances of snow are almost down to nil or at least will be in another 2 weeks. The light and warmth is improving my outlook in every area. I'm also able to get around easier and use my outside stairs for exercise on days I don't go to the rehab gym.
Yesterday, I did two insignificant, to anyone else, things that really helped lift me out of a post head-cold slump. First was getting up from the floor in the bathroom. Ok, so a dirty floor bothers me and pre-stroke would have taken me 5 minutes to clean well around the toilet. Post-stroke it's an event that required me to ass-walk to the hall carpet where I could get on my knees to get to the living room where there were appropriate height objects to help me get upright. yesterday, I used the closed toilet and my left affected leg to get up. Shut-up, it was grand... : ) then I topped off the day by closing the window crank handle with my affected hand. Yeah, yesterday rocked. I think I'll hit the rehab gym and measure my arm progress on the BTE machine. I'll caper just a bit if the numbers are better and entirely ignore them if they aren't. whada they know...